

If you are reading this, I dont know how you found this place. This is just a place for me to vent my awful life stories. I have no idea if I will keep up with this or not but I am drunk and its late. Over the past year or 2 I have found myself venting life stories in youtube comments which is not the right forum for these kinds of stories. It will come across as schizo-posting but I have never been diagnosed with schizophrenia but that doesn't mean I dont have it. I dont think I do though. Also I know putting this all out on the internet is probably a bad idea but I am too poor to afford therapy so venting to the void of the internet will have to do. These stories will mostly have to do with friends dying. I literally have a list in my phone of friends who are now gone. It has gotten to the point where I had to make a list to remember how they died. The list is like 24 names or something crazy. I think I am cursed or something to forever meet people who will die before me.  Anyway